WTAF: Trans Male (Now Female) Who Raped Baby And Drowned Toddler Put In Female Prison With Maternity Ward

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The Blaze has a disturbing report that states that a male transgender individual has been placed in a women's prison with a maternity ward.

This is even though this individual was charged with the rape of a baby and admitted to drowning the toddler.

Reduxx reported that Adam Laboucan who now goes by Tara DeSousa, raped a three-month-old infant in Quesnel, British Columbia. At the time of the 1997 crime, the criminal was 15 years old. Sadly, the infant was so severely harmed physically by the crime that they had to be flown over 400 miles to go to a particular hospital that could handle the injuries that were sustained.

The Toronto Sun reports that the story only got more disturbing from there. The criminal mutilated himself and ate some of his skin after he raped the child. At 17, Laboucan was declared Canada's youngest dangerous offender.

During the trial, a jury in Canada learned that Laboucan had previously drowned a 3-year-old boy when he was just 11 years old himself. Sadly, Laboucan avoided charges related to the admitted drowning because he was under 12. This is very disturbing, but it just adds to the kind of things that Laboucan has done in his life, and there are plenty who are understandably concerned about what he might attempt next, given all that he has already done to ruin the lives of so many before.

Psychiatrists noted that in addition to his highly violent nature, "Adam Laboucan displays everything from transsexual to pedophilic tendencies." This is something that ought to be of concern to everyone who has come in contact with Laboucan or has had any loved ones near him at any point in time. There is no telling just how much damage Laboucan has done to people around him over the years.